Results for 'Jeffrey A. Hanson'

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  1.  57
    Kierkegaard and the Life of Faith: The Aesthetic, the Ethical, and the Religious in Fear and Trembling.Jeffrey A. Hanson - 2017 - Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
    Soren Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling is one of the most widely read works of Continental philosophy and the philosophy of religion. While several commentaries and critical editions exist, Jeffrey Hanson offers a distinctive approach to this crucial text. Hanson gives equal weight and attention to all three of Kierkegaard’s "problems," dealing with Fear and Trembling as part of the entire corpus of Kierkegaard's production and putting all parts into relation with each other. Additionally, he offers a distinctive (...)
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  2.  55
    At the Limits of Religion Without Religion.Jeffrey A. Hanson - 2009 - Philosophy Today 53 (2):137-147.
  3.  57
    Michel Henry and Søren Kierkegaard on Paradox and the Phenomenality of Christ.Jeffrey Hanson - 2009 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 17 (3):435-454.
    For Henry the question ‘Can the truth be learned?’ is as much an aporia as it was for Kierkegaard, and both thinkers ask this question not in order to solve some abstract or pedantic epistemological issue but because the truth they seek is the one that is appropriate to human beings and their salvation. This paper examines Henry’s and Kierkegaard’s answers to the question of how the truth is learned, and in the course of this examination will necessarily have occasion (...)
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    Simultaneously vanishing higher derived limits without large cardinals.Jeffrey Bergfalk, Michael Hrušák & Chris Lambie-Hanson - 2022 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 23 (1).
    A question dating to Mardešić and Prasolov’s 1988 work [S. Mardešić and A. V. Prasolov, Strong homology is not additive, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 307(2) (1988) 725–744], and motivating a considerable amount of set theoretic work in the years since, is that of whether it is consistent with the ZFC axioms for the higher derived limits [Formula: see text] [Formula: see text] of a certain inverse system [Formula: see text] indexed by [Formula: see text] to simultaneously vanish. An equivalent formulation (...)
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    Kierkegaard's the Sickness Unto Death: A Critical Guide.Jeffrey Hanson & Sharon Krishek (eds.) - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Sickness unto Death is commonly regarded as one of Kierkegaard's most important works – but also as one of his most difficult texts to understand. It is a meditation on Christian existentialist themes including sin, despair, religious faith and its redemptive power, and the relation and difference between physical and spiritual death. This volume of new essays guides readers through the philosophical and theological significance of the work, while clarifying the complicated ideas that Kierkegaard develops. Some of the essays (...)
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  6.  18
    After actuality: ideality and the promise of a purified religious vision in Frater Taciturnus.Jeffrey Hanson - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (3):514-527.
    ABSTRACT This article engages Frater Taciturnus’s ‘Letter to the Reader’ to argue for a religious aesthetics in Kierkegaard. This religious aesthetics is designed to purify the passions and help the believer ‘see’ the religious ideal, but also to confront the aesthetic spectator with the religious reality of her own situation. My claim for this revised reading of religious poetics in Kierkegaard derives from Taciturnus’s view of a superior form of religious ideality that comes ‘after actuality’. This ideality is not an (...)
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  7.  44
    Perspectives on and Standards of Life’s Meaningfulness: A Reply to Landau.Jeffrey Hanson - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (3-4):561-573.
    In a recent article Iddo Landau has defended his distinction between perspectives on and standards of meaning in life to support his rebuttal of a familiar pessimistic objection to the meaningfulness of human life. According to that complaint, human life is meaningless when viewed from a detached, cosmic, or sub specie aeternitatis [SSA] perspective. Landau argues that a cosmic perspective need not entail a comparably high standard of meaningfulness. What counts on his view then is not the perspective, which is (...)
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  8.  42
    Imagination, Suffering, and Perfection: A Kierkegaardian Reflection on Meaning in Life.Jeffrey Hanson - 2021 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 38 (4):337-356.
    Engaging the thought of the Danish thinker Søren Kierkegaard, I challenge a tendency within the analytic tradition of philosophy on the subject of meaning in life. Taking as a starting point Kierkegaard's insights about meaning in life, the striving needed to attain an imagined ideal self, and his paradoxical conception of the perfection available to human life, I claim that meaning in life is a function of an individual's striving for an ideal self. This continuous effort to achieve myself is (...)
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  9.  29
    “That is Giving a Banquet”: Neighbor‐Love as Spiritualization of Romantic Loves in Works of Love.Jeffrey Hanson - 2022 - Journal of Religious Ethics 50 (2):196-218.
    Recent readings of Kierkegaard's Works of Love have admirably shown how his apparent reservations about romantic love can be deflected on his own terms by imbuing them with some of the moral rigor of neighbor‐love. This paper argues however that these readings must be complemented by the reverse argument, which would show how some of the qualities of romantic loves are in fact preserved in neighbor‐love. By drawing on his dialectics of sensate love, psychical love, spiritual love, and self‐love, I (...)
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  10.  51
    Woman as First among Equals: A Subversive Reading of Domesticity in Totality and Infinity.Jeffrey Hanson - 2014 - Levinas Studies 9:67-96.
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    Kierkegaard as Phenomenologist: An Experiment.Jeffrey Hanson (ed.) - 2010 - Northwestern University Press.
    Kierkegaard has undoubtedly influenced phenomenological thinking, but he has rarely if ever been read as a phenomenologist himself.
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  12.  7
    Kierkegaardian phenomenologies.J. Aaron Simmons, Jeffrey Hanson & Wojciech Kaftanski (eds.) - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Kierkegaardian Phenomenologies offers a timely consideration of phenomenological engagements within the thought of Søren Kierkegaard. This collection not only reflects the current state of scholarly conversations in Kierkegaardian studies and phenomenological research, but also envisions new directions in which they should go.
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  13.  43
    Despair as a Threat to Meaning: Kierkegaard’s Challenge to Objectivist Theories.Jeffrey Hanson - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (4):92.
    The question of meaning in life has enjoyed renewed attention in analytic discourse over the last few decades. Despite the apparently “existential” quality of this topic, existential philosophy has had little impact on this re-energized conversation. This paper draws on Kierkegaard’s _The Sickness unto Death_ in order to challenge the objectivist theory of meaning in life. According to that theory, a meaningful life is one replete with objective goods. Kierkegaard, however, exposits four forms of the spiritual sickness he calls despair (...)
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  14.  13
    Naked Before God: Kierkegaard’s Liturgical Self.Jeffrey Hanson - 2019 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 24 (1):85-101.
    The aim of this paper is twofold. First, it seeks to demonstrate how Kierkegaard’s deployment of the idea of earnestness can furnish a sort of tonal “unity” to a narrative understanding of the Kierkegaardian self, which gestures toward a solution to the problem of how a narrative self can be unified over time and over a multiplicity of projects and plans. Second, this paper aims to give further richness to the recent work of Patrick Stokes, who argues that the narrative (...)
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  15.  41
    Francois-David Sebbah: Testing the limit: Derrida, Henry, Levinas, and the phenomenological tradition (Translated by Stephen Barker).Jeffrey Hanson - 2013 - Continental Philosophy Review 46 (4):609-616.
    Sebbah’s noteworthy book is perhaps the first sustained inquiry into the relationship between three thinkers in the French phenomenological tradition, two of whom are well known in the Anglophone world (Levinas, Derrida) and one of whom (Henry) is gradually better understood by English-speaking audiences. That all three are arrayed together in this study makes it a pioneering enterprise and one that allows the English reader to apprise the worthiness of Henry’s association with his better-known compatriots.The strongest and most extensive portions (...)
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  16. Returning the gift of death: violence and history in Derrida and Levinas.Jeffrey Hanson - 2010 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 67 (1):1-15.
    The purpose of this paper is to establish a proper context for reading Jacques Derrida’s The Gift of Death, which, I contend, can only be understood fully against the backdrop of “Violence and Metaphysics.” The later work cannot be fully understood unless the reader appreciates the fact that Derrida returns to “a certain Abraham” not only in the name of Kierkegaard but also in the name of Levinas himself. The hypothesis of the reading that follows therefore would be that Derrida (...)
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  17.  24
    Infinite Striving and the Infinite Subject: A Kierkegaardian Reply to Schellenberg.Jeffrey Hanson - 2016 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 8 (4):143--156.
    In this paper I argue -- pace J. L. Schellenberg -- that it remains the case for Kierkegaard that infinite striving, properly understood, is essential to the relationship with God, who remains the Infinite Subject, one necessarily hidden for defensible logical, ontological, and existential reasons. Thus Kierkegaard’s arguments for the hiddenness of God as a logically required ingredient in the relationship that human beings are called to undertake with God can withstand Schellenberg’s criticisms.
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  18. Michel Henry’s Critique of the Limits of Intuition.Jeffrey Hanson - 2009 - Studia Phaenomenologica 9:97-111.
    Intuition is surely a theme of singular importance to phenomenology, and Henry writes sometimes as if intuition should receive extensive attention from phenomenologists. However, he devotes relatively little attention to the problem of intuition himself. Instead he off ers a complex critique of intuition and the central place it enjoys in phenomenological speculation. This article reconstructs Henry’s critique and raises some questions for his counterintuitive theory of intuition. While Henry cannot make a place for the traditional sort of intuition given (...)
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  19.  7
    Michel Henry's practical philosophy.Jeffrey Hanson, Brian Harding & Michael R. Kelly (eds.) - 2022 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Providing theoretical and applied analyses of Michel Henry's practical philosophy in light of his guiding idea of Life, this is the first sustained exploration of Henry's practical thought in anglophone literature, reaffirming his centrality to contemporary continental thought. This book ranges from the tension between his methodological insistence on life as non-intentional and worldly activities to Henry's engagement with the practical philosophy of intellectuals such as Marx, Freud, and Kandisky to topics of application such as labor, abstract art, education, political (...)
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  20.  46
    The Architecture of Happiness.Tim Lomas, Meike Bartels, Margot Van De Weijer, Michael Pluess, Jeffrey Hanson & Tyler J. VanderWeele - 2022 - Emotion Review 14 (4):288-309.
    Happiness is an increasingly prominent topic of interest across academia. However, relatively little attention has been paid to how it is created, especially not in a multidimensional sense. By ‘created’ we do not mean its influencing factors, for which there is extensive research, but how it actually forms in the person. The work that has been done in this arena tends to focus on physiological dynamics, which are certainly part of the puzzle. But they are not the whole picture, with (...)
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  21.  21
    A virtue ethics critique of ethical dimensions of behavioral economics: Comments from a behavioral economist.Jeffrey A. Livingston - 2020 - Business and Society Review 125 (2):261-268.
    In “A Virtue Ethics Critique of Ethical Dimensions of Behavioral Economics,” Professor Daryl Koehn criticizes the field of behavioral economics. She argues that behavioral economists ignore many important factors that affect how people make decisions, that their results are derived from experiments where subjects make choices in overly restrictive, artificial, and thin contexts that do not capture the richness of reality, and that the approach brings up psychological motivations that affect behavior in a piecemeal, ad hoc way that does not (...)
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  22.  59
    Ignatius’s Exercises, Descartes’s Meditations, and Lonergan’s Insight.Jeffrey A. Allen - 2017 - Philosophy and Theology 29 (1):17-28.
    Both René Descartes and Bernard Lonergan were educated at Jesuit schools in their youth, and both had exposure—the former perhaps indirectly, the latter directly—to Ignatius of Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises. Several scholars have outlined parallels between Descartes’s Meditations on First Philosophy and the Exercises. This article reviews those parallels, and then uses them as guides for exploring traces of the Meditations in Lonergan’s Insight: A Study of Human Understanding.
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  23. Toward delirium: Comments on Russell Ford's Experience and Empiricism.Jeffrey A. Bell - forthcoming - Southern Journal of Philosophy.
    This is an invited book symposium submission (invited by Mary Beth Mader). In these comments I summarize the strengths of Ford's recent book on Deleuze's work on Hume. I argue that while Ford has contributed an important book to both the scholarship on Deleuze's early work and on the intellectual history of mid‐twentieth century French philosophy, there are a few issues I seek to flesh out in these comments that are nonetheless in the spirit of Ford's overall project. In particular, (...)
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    Tv news photographer as equipment: A response.Jeffrey A. Marks - 1987 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 2 (2):18 – 20.
    In response to the preceding research report by Professor Steele, television news director Jeffrey Marks suggests that TV news photographers operate in a world not entirely of their own making. They are often treated as pieces of equipment whose insights and judgments are not taken into consideration when newscasts are produced. Seeing the world through a two?inch black and white viewfinder causes some distorted perceptions of reality and a certain detachment from ethical decision making. The author, chairman of the (...)
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  25.  32
    Bernard Lonergan's View of Natural Knowledge of God.Jeffrey A. Allen - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (3):484-496.
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    Book Review: Jeffrey Hanson and Michael R. Kelly, eds. Michel Henry: The Affects of Thought. [REVIEW]Karl Hefty - 2012 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 20 (2):203-207.
    A review of Jeffrey Hanson and Michael R. Kelly, eds., Michel Henry: The Affects of Thought (London: Continuum, 2012), 177 pp.
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    Editor’s Note.Jeffrey A. Bernstein - 2008 - Idealistic Studies 38 (1-2):1-1.
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    François Viète’s revolution in algebra.Jeffrey A. Oaks - 2018 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 72 (3):245-302.
    Françios Viète was a geometer in search of better techniques for astronomical calculation. Through his theorem on angular sections he found a use for higher-dimensional geometric magnitudes which allowed him to create an algebra for geometry. We show that unlike traditional numerical algebra, the knowns and unknowns in Viète’s logistice speciosa are the relative sizes of non-arithmetized magnitudes in which the “calculations” must respect dimension. Along with this foundational shift Viète adopted a radically new notation based in Greek geometric equalities. (...)
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    Rememberings.Jeffrey A. Maitland - 1970 - Philosophical Studies 21 (December):91-94.
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    Reading Problems: Literacy and the Dynamics of Thought.Jeffrey A. Bell - 2018 - Open Philosophy 1 (1):223-234.
    In this article, we address the problem of predication, or the problem of connecting conceptual predicates to the sets of properties and attributes that correspond to these predicates. We take as our starting point Mark Wilson’s work, especially “Predicate meets Property,” and add to it a metaphysics of problems that one finds in the work of Gilles Deleuze. This enables us to understand the relationship between a predicate and the set of properties in terms of the relationship between a solution (...)
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  31.  14
    Introduction: The Problem of Difference.Jeffrey A. Bell - 1998 - In Jeffrey Bell, The Problem of Difference: Phenomenology and Poststructuralism. University of Toronto Press. pp. 1-14.
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    Acquisition and extinction effects of partial reinforcement under conditions of thirst motivation.Jeffrey A. Seybert & Ivan C. Gerard - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (1):34-36.
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  33. Précis of The neuropsychology of anxiety: An enquiry into the functions of the septo-hippocampal system.Jeffrey A. Gray - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (3):469-484.
    A model of the neuropsychology of anxiety is proposed. The model is based in the first instance upon an analysis of the behavioural effects of the antianxiety drugs (benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and alcohol) in animals. From such psychopharmacologi-cal experiments the concept of a “behavioural inhibition system” (BIS) has been developed. This system responds to novel stimuli or to those associated with punishment or nonreward by inhibiting ongoing behaviour and increasing arousal and attention to the environment. It is activity in the BIS (...)
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    PSA 2000 Contributed Paper Volume Introduction.Jeffrey A. Barrett & J. McKenzie Alexander - 2001 - Philosophy of Science 68 (S3):vii-vii.
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    II. The Perceptual Noema.Jeffrey A. Bell - 1998 - In Jeffrey Bell, The Problem of Difference: Phenomenology and Poststructuralism. University of Toronto Press. pp. 49-88.
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    Sequential effects of resistance to extinction at widely spaced trials.Jeffrey A. Seybert, Roger L. Mellgren & Jared B. Jobe - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 101 (1):151.
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  37.  20
    The Kamin effect as a function of time of training and associative-nonassociative processes.Jeffrey A. Seybert, Mark A. Wilson & Alan L. Archer - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (4):227-230.
  38. Michael Clifford, Political Genealogy After Foucault: Savage Identities Reviewed by.Jeffrey A. Gauthier - 2002 - Philosophy in Review 22 (6):399-401.
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  39. Teaching Applied Ethics in Fire & Emergency Medical Services.Jeffrey A. Thomas - 2011 - Teaching Ethics 11 (2):7-13.
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    But the schizophrenia connection . .Jeffrey A. Gray - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):523-524.
    As well as data indicating relationships (emphasised in the target article) (1) between dopaminergic transmission in the nucleus accumbens and positive incentive motivation, and (2) between dopaminergic transmission and extraversion, other data (not accounted for by the hypotheses developed in the target article) indicate relationships (3) between accumbens dopaminergic transmission and cognitive, especially perceptual, processes that are disrupted in schizophrenia, and (4) between dopaminergic transmission and psychoticism. The tension between relationships 1 + 2 and 3 + 4 is discussed and (...)
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  41. Eric Gans, Signs of Paradox: Irony, Resentment, and Other Mimetic Structures Reviewed by.Jeffrey A. Gauthier - 1998 - Philosophy in Review 18 (3):174-175.
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  42.  73
    Civic virtues, divided societies, and democratic dilemmas.Jeffrey A. Gauthier (ed.) - 2013 - Charlottesville, Va.: Philosophy Documentation Center.
  43.  33
    Effects of intertrial partial reinforcement and level of acquisition on resistance to extinction.Jeffrey A. Seybert, Ivan C. Gerard, James F. Myers, Lisa P. Baer & Robert C. Clipper - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (1):7-9.
  44.  15
    Notes.Jeffrey A. Bell - 1998 - In Jeffrey Bell, The Problem of Difference: Phenomenology and Poststructuralism. University of Toronto Press. pp. 241-278.
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  45.  23
    Fibonacci’s De Practica Geometrie - by Barnabas Hughes.Jeffrey A. Oaks - 2009 - Centaurus 51 (2):168-169.
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    Employment and Public Policy Issues Surrounding Medical Marijuana in the Workplace.Jeffrey A. Mello - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (3):659-666.
    The status of marijuana as an illegal drug has greatly evolved in recent years. Many countries have decriminalized possession of marijuana for personal use. Others have not decriminalized it but simply “tolerate” it for private personal use. Four countries have passed laws legalizing medical marijuana and one other tolerates the use of marijuana for medical purposes without having legislated a specific right for such possession and use. To date, 17 of the United States and the District of Columbia have also (...)
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  47.  27
    The Politics of Legal Abortion: From Direct Action to Dialogue.Jeffrey A. Gauthier - 2021 - Hypatia 36 (4):800-804.
    In her highly influential 1984 study Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood, Kristin Luker speculates that opposition to legal abortion among women was likely to be strongest among those who were full-time homemakers without a college education. But despite a marked decline in that demographic group and a well-documented rise in public support for gender equality since then, the rate of support for legal abortion has remained stubbornly fixed at between fifty and fifty-five percent. This tepid support has coincided with (...)
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  48.  39
    What is the relation between language and consciousness?Jeffrey A. Gray - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):679-679.
  49.  37
    Relation between stimulus intensity and operant response rate as a function of discrimination training and drive.Jeffrey A. Gray - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (1):9.
  50.  6
    Food.Jeffrey A. Gauthier (ed.) - 2014 - Charlottesville, Virginia: Philosophy Documentation Center.
    This volume of Social Philosophy Today contains a selection of papers presented at the 30th International Social Philosophy Conference (2013), an annual event sponsored by the North American Society for Social Philosophy. The theme of the conference was "Food". This volume invites wider discussion of the issues explored at the conference, including food production, distribution, and consumption. Contributors include Susan Dielman, Erinn Gilson, Joan McGregor, José Medina, Andrew Pierce, and Sally Scholz.
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